对于linux下的trace,我建议你参考Brendan Gregg的文章:Choosing a linux tracer,里面详细列出了linux下每个tracer的介绍,本文里主要介绍ftrace,讨论function相关的部分,event和计数器不涉及。






#sudo perf list tracepoint
syscalls:sys_enter_getcpu                          [Tracepoint event]
syscalls:sys_exit_getcpu                           [Tracepoint event]
tcp:tcp_destroy_sock                               [Tracepoint event]
tcp:tcp_probe                                      [Tracepoint event]






traceing目录下,带function字样的文件都和function有关,文件available_filter_functions里面包括了所有能trace的function(在没有添加任何filter的情况下)。如果你需要开启function tracer(更多的tracer,查看文件available_tracers,里面包括了系统支持哪些tracer),只需要执行命令:echo function > current_tracer,启用之后,你能查看function trace的输出和输出格式定义:

#cat trace|head -10
# tracer: function
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
           gdbus-1275  [001] .... 11758.901088: unix_poll <-sock_poll

如果你查看trace的内容,你会发现内容太多,你很难找到有价值的东西,绝大部分时候,你不是对整个系统的调用感兴趣,你只想看你关心的内容,ftrace提供了function filter来进行trace过滤:通过设置set_ftrace_filter set_ftrace_notrace set_ftrace_pid三个文件,你能过滤出来需要trace的function。

最简单的做法是看看available_filter_functions里面有些什么,里面的这些function都是可以用,例如我关心tcp_sendmsg:echo tcp_sendmsg > set_ftrace_filter,这样function tracer就只会记录tcp_sendmsg这个function。当然filter也支持“*”号通配符,支持三种写法:“*key/key/key*”。也支持模块过滤“echo :mod:ext3 > set_ftrace_filter”

另外,filter也支持“Format: :[:count]”这类的写法,通过它你能实现:某个function调用了,就触发一个预先定义的action(tracingoff/tracingon/stacktrace/snapshot/dump/cpudump),执行相关操作。例如:echo do_trap:traceoff:3 > set_ftrace_filter,do_trap调用三次,执行停止trace操作。

如果你需要看到调用栈,可以设置:echo 1 > options/func_stack_trace,但是必须注意,该操作容易导致问题,务必需要先设置filter,缩小trace范围,否则容易导致系统问题。

[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat available_filter_functions |grep tcp_sendmsg
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo tcp_sendmsg > set_ftrace_filter
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo function > current_tracer
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat trace
# tracer: function
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
           vvv-631   [003] .... 33440.208482: tcp_sendmsg <-sock_sendmsg
  NetworkManager-555   [002] .... 33446.836585: tcp_sendmsg <-sock_sendmsg
            curl-26180 [001] .... 33449.150367: tcp_sendmsg <-sock_sendmsg
           vvv-4083  [002] .... 33456.700836: tcp_sendmsg <-sock_sendmsg

[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo > current_tracer
bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo nop >current_tracer
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo > set_ftrace_filter
[root@tacyArch tracing]#

总的来说,function tracer最大的问题就是给出的信息太模糊,有用的信息太少,也无法扩展(你只能enable它)。很多时候,虽然知道function被调用,知道调用的pid和comm,但光有这些信息对于解决问题是不够的。


下面我们来看看tracepoint相关内容。tracing目录下有一个events目录,里面就是所有的kernel tracepoint,包含了所有的tracepoint,每一个tracepoint都以目录存在,目录下面是针对该tracepoint的配置文件。

trace方法就是找到对应的tracepoint,例如tcp_probe,进入到该目录下(events/tcp/tcp_probe),通过命令echo 1 > enable激活该探针,然后你就可以回到tracing目录下,查看trace文件内容,里面能看到trace内容,输出格式可以参考探针目录下的format文件。


[root@tacyArch tcp_receive_reset]# ls
enable  filter  format  hist  id  trigger

[root@tacyArch tcp_receive_reset]# cat format
name: tcp_receive_reset
ID: 1133
        field:unsigned short common_type;       offset:0;       size:2; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_flags;       offset:2;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;       offset:3;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:int common_pid;   offset:4;       size:4; signed:1;

        field:const void * skaddr;      offset:8;       size:8; signed:0;
        field:__u16 sport;      offset:16;      size:2; signed:0;
        field:__u16 dport;      offset:18;      size:2; signed:0;
        field:__u8 saddr[4];    offset:20;      size:4; signed:0;
        field:__u8 daddr[4];    offset:24;      size:4; signed:0;
        field:__u8 saddr_v6[16];        offset:28;      size:16;        signed:0;
        field:__u8 daddr_v6[16];        offset:44;      size:16;        signed:0;
        field:__u64 sock_cookie;        offset:64;      size:8; signed:0;

print fmt: "sport=%hu dport=%hu saddr=%pI4 daddr=%pI4 saddrv6=%pI6c daddrv6=%pI6c sock_cookie=%llx", REC->sport, REC->dport, REC->saddr, REC->daddr, REC->saddr_v6, REC->daddr_v6, REC->sock_cookie


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 1 > events/tcp/tcp_receive_reset/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat trace
# tracer: nop
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
            curl-26346 [001] .... 33819.317760: tcp_receive_reset: sport=44248 dport=8080 saddr= daddr= saddrv6=::1 daddrv6=::1 sock_cookie=1
            curl-26346 [001] .... 33819.317892: tcp_receive_reset: sport=49690 dport=8080 saddr= daddr= saddrv6=::ffff: daddrv6=::ffff: sock_cookie=2
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 0 > events/tcp/tcp_receive_reset/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]#




perf位于kernel源代码的tools下,linux的主要性能分析工具之一,perf提供很多功能,这里我们只谈它和tracepoint有关的部分(perf不能操作ftrace中的function tracer),以tcp_probe这个tracepoint为例,操作也很简单:

[root@tacyArch ~]# perf record -e 'tcp:tcp_probe' -a
^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.460 MB perf.data (3 samples) ]

[root@tacyArch ~]# perf script
 irq/69-brcmf_pc 19366 [003] 99975.473448: tcp:tcp_probe: src= dest=203.208.xx.xx:443 mark=0 data_len=0 snd_nxt=0x66d5014 snd_una=0x66d5014 snd_cwnd=16 ssthresh=21>
 irq/69-brcmf_pc 19366 [003] 99977.000673: tcp:tcp_probe: src= dest=xx.201.xx.119:80 mark=0 data_len=60 snd_nxt=0x6ec6b07d snd_una=0x6ec6b07d snd_cwnd=55 ssthresh>
 irq/69-brcmf_pc 19366 [003] 99977.057786: tcp:tcp_probe: src= dest=xx.201.xx.119:80 mark=0 data_len=0 snd_nxt=0x6ec6b0a1 snd_una=0x6ec6b07d snd_cwnd=55 ssthresh=>
[root@tacyArch ~]#







/proc/kallsyms里面所有的symbol都能添加kprobe,kprobe和function tracer无关,无需启用function tracer。你只需定义好event,写入到traceing目录下的kprobe_events文件即可,ftrace会自动在/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events下创建kprobe目录,并在该目录下为每个kprobe创建类似tracepoint的目录,之后你只需要通过enable文件来控制启用还是禁用。kprobe event的语法定义如下:

Synopsis of kprobe_events
  p[:[GRP/]EVENT] [MOD:]SYM[+offs]|MEMADDR [FETCHARGS]	: Set a probe
  r[MAXACTIVE][:[GRP/]EVENT] [MOD:]SYM[+0] [FETCHARGS]	: Set a return probe
  -:[GRP/]EVENT						: Clear a probe

 GRP		: Group name. If omitted, use "kprobes" for it.
 EVENT		: Event name. If omitted, the event name is generated
		  based on SYM+offs or MEMADDR.
 MOD		: Module name which has given SYM.
 SYM[+offs]	: Symbol+offset where the probe is inserted.
 MEMADDR	: Address where the probe is inserted.
 MAXACTIVE	: Maximum number of instances of the specified function that
		  can be probed simultaneously, or 0 for the default value
		  as defined in Documentation/kprobes.txt section 1.3.1.

 FETCHARGS	: Arguments. Each probe can have up to 128 args.
  %REG		: Fetch register REG
  @ADDR		: Fetch memory at ADDR (ADDR should be in kernel)
  @SYM[+|-offs]	: Fetch memory at SYM +|- offs (SYM should be a data symbol)
  $stackN	: Fetch Nth entry of stack (N >= 0)
  $stack	: Fetch stack address.
  $retval	: Fetch return value.(*)
  $comm		: Fetch current task comm.
  +|-offs(FETCHARG) : Fetch memory at FETCHARG +|- offs address.(**)
  NAME=FETCHARG : Set NAME as the argument name of FETCHARG.
  FETCHARG:TYPE : Set TYPE as the type of FETCHARG. Currently, basic types
		  (u8/u16/u32/u64/s8/s16/s32/s64), hexadecimal types
		  (x8/x16/x32/x64), "string" and bitfield are supported.

  (*) only for return probe.
  (**) this is useful for fetching a field of data structures.


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 'p:tcp_sendmsg tcp_sendmsg' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat kprobe_events
p:kprobes/tcp_sendmsg tcp_sendmsg
[root@tacyArch tracing]# ls events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/
enable  filter  format  hist  id  trigger
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/format
name: tcp_sendmsg
ID: 1638
        field:unsigned short common_type;       offset:0;       size:2; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_flags;       offset:2;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;       offset:3;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:int common_pid;   offset:4;       size:4; signed:1;

        field:unsigned long __probe_ip; offset:8;       size:8; signed:0;

print fmt: "(%lx)", REC->__probe_ip


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 1 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat trace |head -10
# tracer: nop
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
            curl-21745 [001] ...1 27996.148112: tcp_sendmsg: (tcp_sendmsg+0x0/0x40)
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 0 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable

输出结果看起来和ftrace的function tracer差不多,这就尴尬了?我们想要看到调用参数


(下面的操作依赖kernel debug info的安装)

[root@tacyArch src]# gdb /lib/modules/4.19.12-arch1-1-ARCH/build/vmlinux
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /lib/modules/4.19.12-arch1-1-ARCH/build/vmlinux...done.
(gdb) directory /home/tacy/workspace/archlinux-linux/
Source directories searched: /home/tacy/workspace/archlinux-linux:$cdir:$cwd
(gdb) li tcp_sendmsg
1434            return err;
1435    }
1436    EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(tcp_sendmsg_locked);
1438    int tcp_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
1439    {
1440            int ret;
1442            lock_sock(sk);
1443            ret = tcp_sendmsg_locked(sk, msg, size);

上面的代码输出显示,tcp_sendmsg有3个调用参数。我们希望能把发送包的大小(size)输出的trace结果中。这里,你首先需要知道,在X64架构下,calling的参数存放规范(参考System V ABI AMD6445,找到每个register定义),根据规范,我们知道第三个参数的寄存器使用的是rdx。


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 'probe:tcp_sendmsg tcp_sendmsg size=%dx' > kprobe_events
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/format
name: tcp_sendmsg
ID: 1639
        field:unsigned short common_type;       offset:0;       size:2; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_flags;       offset:2;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;       offset:3;       size:1; signed:0;
        field:int common_pid;   offset:4;       size:4; signed:1;

        field:unsigned long __probe_ip; offset:8;       size:8; signed:0;
        field:u64 size; offset:16;      size:8; signed:0;

print fmt: "(%lx) size=0x%Lx", REC->__probe_ip, REC->size
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 1 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat trace
# tracer: nop
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
            curl-22314 [000] ...1 29227.292645: tcp_sendmsg: (tcp_sendmsg+0x0/0x40) size=0x4c
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 0 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable


(gdb) print (int)&((struct sock *)0)->__sk_common
$1 = 0
(gdb) print (int)&((struct sock_common *)0)->skc_daddr
$2 = 0
(gdb) print (int)&((struct sock_common *)0)->skc_rcv_saddr
$3 = 4
(gdb) print (int)&((struct sock_common *)0)->skc_dport
$4 = 12
(gdb) print (int)&((struct sock_common *)0)->skc_num
$5 = 14
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 'probe:tcp_sendmsg tcp_sendmsg dst=+0(%di):x32 dport=+12(%di):x16 src=+4(%di):x32 sport=+14(%di):x16 size=%dx' > kprobe_events
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 1 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# tail -2 trace
            curl-25876 [001] ...1 37339.320598: tcp_sendmsg: (tcp_sendmsg+0x0/0x40) dst=0x64e959ca dport=0x5000 src=0x670aa8c0 sport=0xa4f0 size=0x4c
            curl-25878 [000] ...1 37340.118164: tcp_sendmsg: (tcp_sendmsg+0x0/0x40) dst=0x64e959ca dport=0x5000 src=0x670aa8c0 sport=0xa4f2 size=0x4c
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 0 > events/kprobes/tcp_sendmsg/enable




首先需要说明的是,perf无法操作ftrace里面的function tracer,它只能定义和操作kprobe(当然也可以定义uprobe,后面会有描述),perf-probe其实操作的也是/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_event。但是通过perf-probe定义probe的好处就是会有校验,不容易出错


[root@tacyArch ~]#perf probe --add tcp_sendmsg  // 无参数版本
Added new event:
  probe:tcp_sendmsg    (on tcp_sendmsg)

You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:

        perf record -e probe:tcp_sendmsg -aR sleep 1

[root@tacyArch ~]# perf probe --list
  probe:tcp_sendmsg    (on tcp_sendmsg@net/ipv4/tcp.c)

[root@tacyArch ~]# perf probe -d probe:tcp_sendmsg  //删除

[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf probe 'tcp_sendmsg tcp_sendmsg dst=+0(%di):x32 dport=+12(%di):x16 src=+4(%di):x32 sport=+14(%di):x16 size=%dx'  //有参数


如果你的kernel安装了debug info,perf能更简单的定义probe,同样上面显示socket信息的tcp_sendmsg,如果有debuginfo,你不用去找寄存器和偏移,直接使用变量名:

[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf probe 'tcp_sendmsg size sk->__sk_common.skc_daddr sk->__sk_common.skc_dport sk->__sk_common.skc_rcv_saddr sk->__sk_common.skc_num'


# perf probe -L tcp_sendmsg:0+10   # 查看tcp_sendmsg代码0~10行,如果你的源文件放在自己目录里面,通过-x参数指定
      0  int tcp_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
      1  {
      2         int ret;

      4         lock_sock(sk);
      5         ret = tcp_sendmsg_locked(sk, msg, size);
      6         release_sock(sk);

      8         return ret;
      9  }


# perf probe -V tcp_sendmsg        # 查看tcp_sendmsg参数
Available variables at tcp_sendmsg
                int     ret
                size_t  size
                struct msghdr*  msg
                struct sock*    sk

# perf probe --add 'tcp_sendmsg size'  # 使用tcp_sendmsg参数,输出到结果中
# perf probe -V tcp_sendmsg:+9  # 可以查看函数内部变量,内部变量也能输出


动态分析方法和静态分析方法相比,需要你具备代码级别的知识,对kernel代码越熟悉,对linux的tracer就像玩一样,感觉没啥解决不了的问题,这方面可以参考大牛Brendan Gregg。



Usersland的trace同样包括静态和动态两部分,但是这两部分我们也统一称为uprobe6,你可以在ftrace目录(/sys/kernel/debug/tracing)下的uprobe_events文件中找到你定义的所有uprobe event。

uprobe event定义:

Synopsis of uprobe_tracer
  p[:[GRP/]EVENT] PATH:OFFSET [FETCHARGS] : Set a uprobe
  r[:[GRP/]EVENT] PATH:OFFSET [FETCHARGS] : Set a return uprobe (uretprobe)
  -:[GRP/]EVENT                           : Clear uprobe or uretprobe event

  GRP           : Group name. If omitted, "uprobes" is the default value.
  EVENT         : Event name. If omitted, the event name is generated based
                  on PATH+OFFSET.
  PATH          : Path to an executable or a library.
  OFFSET        : Offset where the probe is inserted.

  FETCHARGS     : Arguments. Each probe can have up to 128 args.
   %REG         : Fetch register REG
   @ADDR	: Fetch memory at ADDR (ADDR should be in userspace)
   @+OFFSET	: Fetch memory at OFFSET (OFFSET from same file as PATH)
   $stackN	: Fetch Nth entry of stack (N >= 0)
   $stack	: Fetch stack address.
   $retval	: Fetch return value.(*)
   $comm	: Fetch current task comm.
   +|-offs(FETCHARG) : Fetch memory at FETCHARG +|- offs address.(**)
   NAME=FETCHARG     : Set NAME as the argument name of FETCHARG.
   FETCHARG:TYPE     : Set TYPE as the type of FETCHARG. Currently, basic types
		       (u8/u16/u32/u64/s8/s16/s32/s64), hexadecimal types
		       (x8/x16/x32/x64), "string" and bitfield are supported.


一般称为USDT Probe,需要预先在代码中加探针(开发人员可以参考Adding User Space Probing to an Application,学习如何在代码里面埋探针),这类探针技术也叫DTRACE,来源于Solaris,很多软件支持,但是需要在编译时启用,例如java,就需要在编译时启用enable-dtrace编译参数(启用dtrace编译需要依赖systemtap-sdt-dev包,至少jdk编译需要)

同样,我们也可以通过ftrace和perf两种方式操作它。但是ftrace操作方法复杂(主要是需要小心操作地址),方法参考Hacking Linux USDT with Ftrace


首先需要你的JDK启用了enable-dtrace,其次启动java应用的时候加上参数-XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes,查看USDT probe:

readelf -n /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so
Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id
  Owner                 Data size       Description
  GNU                  0x00000014       NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)
    Build ID: deaa14871e0101bc717a00461519385ebdb010fd

Displaying notes found in: .note.stapsdt
  Owner                 Data size       Description
  stapsdt              0x0000004d       NT_STAPSDT (SystemTap probe descriptors)
    Provider: hotspot
    Name: class__loaded
    Location: 0x00000000005b5d7a, Base: 0x0000000000dbb1b2, Semaphore: 0x0000000000000000
    Arguments: 8@%r13 -4@%r14d 8@%rax 1@%r12b
  stapsdt              0x0000004c       NT_STAPSDT (SystemTap probe descriptors)
    Provider: hotspot
    Name: class__unloaded
    Location: 0x00000000005b5f11, Base: 0x0000000000dbb1b2, Semaphore: 0x0000000000000000
    Arguments: 8@%rbx -4@%r13d 8@%rax 1@$0
  stapsdt              0x00000071       NT_STAPSDT (SystemTap probe descriptors)
    Provider: hotspot
    Name: method__compile__begin



我们用methodentry这个probe为例,讲述如何通过ftrace来trace该probe。参考前面uprobe event的定义p[:[GRP/]EVENT] PATH:OFFSET [FETCHARGS] : Set a uprobe,我们需要找到methodentry在libjvm.so中的位置,可以通过readelf找到:

[root@tacyArch tacy]# readelf -n /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so |grep -A5 NT_STAPSDT
  stapsdt              0x00000062       NT_STAPSDT (SystemTap probe descriptors)
    Provider: hotspot
    Name: method__entry
    Location: 0x0000000000bd21e5, Base: 0x0000000000dbb1b2, Semaphore: 0x0000000000000000
    Arguments: -8@%rax 8@%rdx -4@%ecx 8@%rsi -4@%edi 8@%r8 -4@%r9d


偏移地址需要多解释一下,共享类库(.so)的偏移一般可以直接使用,但是可执行文件需要分情况,有些可执行文件启用了PIE,这类文件和共享类库类似,偏移也可以直接使用,有些没有启用PIE,这类地址需要减去加载的base地址(例如0x400000)。一般情况情况不会弄错,因为启用了PIE的可执行文件,你看到的地址会小于加载的base地址,减了之后就编程负数了,这显然不正确,而且启用了PIE的可执行文件,一般你查看的时候显示也是shared object,例如:

[root@tacyArch tacy]# file /usr/bin/zsh
/usr/bin/zsh: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=13f8b646263f84e3a6b12418b6d328a5c9ef835a, stripped

readelf的输出中,可以看到method__entry的arguments,总共有7个(这里我也没搞明白为啥register的使用不用遵守System V ABI AMD64规范),具体每个参数的定义就需要去看代码了,我机器上找不到stp文件,只能看在线stp,有源代码也可以搜索源代码,用关键字SharedRuntime::dtrace_method_entry搜索,我的openjdk10在文件hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp中,引用在下面:

/* hotspot.method_entry (extended probe)
   Triggers when a method is entered.
   Sets thread_id to the current java thread id, class to the name of
   the class, method to the name of the method, and sig to the
   signature string of the method.
   Needs -XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes.
probe hotspot.method_entry =
  name = "method_entry";
  thread_id = $arg1;
  class = user_string_n($arg2, $arg3);
  method = user_string_n($arg4, $arg5);
  sig = user_string_n($arg6, $arg7);
  probestr = sprintf("%s(thread_id=%d,class='%s',method='%s',sig='%s')",
		     name, thread_id, class, method, sig);


[root@tacyArch tacy]# echo 'p:uprobes/method_entry /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so:0x0000000000bd21e5 arg1=%ax:s64 arg2=+0(%dx):string arg3=%cx:s32 arg4=+0(%si):string arg5=%di:s32 arg6=+0(%r8):string arg7=%r9:s32' > uprobe_events


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 1 >events/uprobes/method_entry/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 0 >events/uprobes/method_entry/enable
[root@tacyArch tracing]# cat trace|grep hello
 http-nio-8080-e-31172 [003] d... 51704.118354: method_entry: (0x7f80e000d1e5) arg1=24 arg2="hello/Greeting<init>(JLjava/lang/String;)V" arg3=14 arg4="<init>(JLjava/lang/String;)V" arg5=6 arg6="(JLjava/lang/String;)V" arg7=22
 http-nio-8080-e-31172 [003] d... 51704.134194: method_entry: (0x7f80e000d1e5) arg1=24 arg2="hello/GreetinggetId()J" arg3=14 arg4="getId()J" arg5=5 arg6="()J" arg7=3
 http-nio-8080-e-31172 [003] d... 51704.134229: method_entry: (0x7f80e000d1e5) arg1=24 arg2="hello/GreetinggetContent&()Ljava/lang/String;" arg3=14 arg4="getContent&()Ljava/lang/String;" arg5=10 arg6="()Ljava/lang/String;" arg7=20
 http-nio-8080-e-31173 [002] d... 51704.628421: method_entry: (0x7f80e000d1e5) arg1=25 arg2="hello/GreetinggetId()J" arg3=14 arg4="getId()J" arg5=5 arg6="()J" arg7=3
 http-nio-8080-e-31173 [002] d... 51704.628476: method_entry: (0x7f80e000d1e5) arg1=25 arg2="hello/GreetinggetContent&()Ljava/lang/String;" arg3=14 arg4="getContent&()Ljava/lang/String;" arg5=10 arg6="()Ljava/lang/String;" arg7=20


[root@tacyArch tracing]# echo 'arg2 ~ "hello*"' > events/uprobes/method_entry/filter

牛,java的方法调用一览无遗,用这个来profile method响应时间,不用对应用做任何调整,想想都觉得不可思议(如果你需要获取每个method的调用时间,你需要定义一个return probe,参考uprobe event定义)


方法参考Static User Tracing,我简单描述一下jdk实现

为了perf能操作USDT Probe,需要把它添加到perf buildcache:

/****************** sdt需要先添加到perf里面:**************/
/* 注意,perf操作sdt,建议切换到root运行,否则可能出一些奇怪问题,例如无法添加sdt到probe */
[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf buildid-cache --add /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so

[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf list sdt

List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):

  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__clinit          [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__concurrent      [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__end             [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__erroneous       [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__error           [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__recursive       [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__required        [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__initialization__super__failed   [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__loaded                          [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:class__unloaded                        [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:compiled__method__load                 [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:compiled__method__unload               [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:gc__begin                              [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:gc__end                                [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:mem__pool__gc__begin                   [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:mem__pool__gc__end                     [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:method__compile__begin                 [SDT event]
  sdt_hotspot:method__compile__end                   [SDT event]


[root@tacyArch tacy]# perf probe --add sdt_hotspot:gc__begin                                                                                                                 [20/1846]
Added new events:
  sdt_hotspot:gc__begin (on %gc__begin in /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so)
  sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_1 (on %gc__begin in /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so)
  sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2 (on %gc__begin in /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so)
  sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_3 (on %gc__begin in /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk/lib/server/libjvm.so)

You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:

        perf record -e sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_3 -aR sleep 1

[root@tacyArch tacy]# perf record -e 'sdt_hotspot:gc__begin,sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_1,sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2,sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_3' -a

^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.706 MB perf.data (11 samples) ]

[root@tacyArch tacy]# perf script
       VM Thread  7050 [000] 97761.385404: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f2cebede940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [000] 97762.596125: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [003] 97762.863885: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [002] 97763.374132: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_3: (7f5430da5e31)
       VM Thread  6178 [002] 97763.374145: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [002] 97763.388108: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [001] 97764.320487: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [000] 97765.442266: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_3: (7f5430da5e31)
       VM Thread  6178 [000] 97765.442274: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [001] 97765.462569: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0
       VM Thread  6178 [002] 97766.663314: sdt_hotspot:gc__begin_2: (7f5430da5940) arg1=0


动态添加uprobe和操作USDT probe差不多,简单说一下perf的方法

[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf probe -x /lib64/libc.so.6 -F|grep malloc|head -10

[root@tacyArch tracing]# perf probe -x /lib64/libc.so.6 malloc
Added new event:
  probe_libc:malloc    (on malloc in /usr/lib/libc-2.28.so)

You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:

        perf record -e probe_libc:malloc -aR sleep 1

[root@tacyArch tracing]# cd
[root@tacyArch ~]# perf record -e probe_libc:malloc -a
^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 1.900 MB perf.data (3349 samples) ]

[root@tacyArch ~]# perf script |head -10
     soffice.bin   312 [001] 53221.883430: probe_libc:malloc: (7f2503f9a8d0)
     soffice.bin   312 [001] 53221.883453: probe_libc:malloc: (7f2503f9a8d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.941838: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.941875: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.941887: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.966116: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.966164: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.966260: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
            java 30971 [003] 53221.966272: probe_libc:malloc: (7f3682e238d0)
     soffice.bin   312 [001] 53221.983791: probe_libc:malloc: (7f2503f9a8d0)


上面介绍的内容,操作起来有一定复杂度,大牛Brendan Gregg提供了perf-tools工具集来简化操作,里面提供了很多非常实用的工具,大力推荐。另外大牛的blog建议反复阅读

ftrace最大的问题是不可编程,无法做更多扩展,但是它不需要太新的kernel,对目前很多生产环境来说,这非常关键,而且ftrace也在持续改进,建议follow另一位大牛@srostedt(kernel ftrace maintainer)。



assambly & gdb

dynamic symbol / static symbol

dynamic symbol是指动态链接的程序对外依赖的共享库symbol,程序运行时必须。static symbol这个需要编译时打开-g开关才能看到,调试用