mesos 记录一下最近一周的工作,最近一周一直在看PaaS,主要是结合Docker的方案,简单看了 看,成熟的东西没有,基本都有各种问题,可以参考一下
tshark tshark -V -O http -Y “(http.request and contains ymatou)” -T fields -e frame.number -e http.request.method -e http.request.full_uri -r ~/workspace/python/osx/lele/ymt-addproductv2.pcapng FILTER FIELD REFERENCE tshark -G fields on the command line Troubleshooting SSL123 Starting with Wireshark 2.0, the RSA key file is automatically matched against the public key as found in the Certificate handshake message. Before Wireshark 2.0, it relied on the user to enter a valid Address and Port
android notes
Android emulator 只需加载kvm模块,同时启动命令上添加‘-qemu -enable-kvm’ 参数即可,启动命令: emulator64-x86 -avd test -data userdata.img -qemu -m 2048 -enable-kvm vm’ 参数即可,启动命令
FlameGraph 火焰图[fn:1],简单通过x轴横条宽度来度量时间指标,y轴代表线程栈的层次,简单明了, 容易找出具体的可优化点,非常方便,当然前提是我们通
linux kernel
linux kernel vm vfs_cache_pressure 简单说,就是控制page cache的回收,是优先回收data block还是meta block(page cache 包括这两部分),一般情况下建议还是保留meta